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jennifer marie


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I am inspired by spirituality, religion, archetypes, magic, dream states, nature, science fiction and the invisible muse through which I am occasionally advised. My work is centered around dreamlike, surrealist landscapes, and their inhabitants. These are not meant to be tangible locations, but symbolic spaces which exist outside of time and space – springs of unconscious emotion and whispered echoes of the Akasha. My works are not created with rigid intention, but rather through an intuitive process which I can only describe as collaborating with chaos. Through this process, I am never certain how a work will arrive – it itself feeling more like a channeled message, rather than a personal statement.  It is the intentions of these works to be viewed as spaces of exploration and transformation – portals of spiritual alchemy. I wish for my art to allow all the opportunity to interact with the ethereal magic that exists outside the mundanity of our modern world, yet flows just beneath its surface.


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