we, the gradunauts

“We, the Gradunauts is taken from the portmanteau of graduates and astronauts and was chosen from the greeting that I used at the beginning of every email I sent to the students. I wanted to imply that they were in a graduate program but they were also on an adventure, a kind of world-building exercise. This makes them an astronaut, exploring this novel space and exploring it in proximity with other intrepid souls.”
Professor Michael Rees
We, the Gradunauts are a group of artists currently working towards our Master’s in Fine Arts at William Paterson University. Each Gradunaut contributes a different talent and style to our group. From painting to sculpture, to animation and storyboarding, each student is working toward creating artwork that inspires and fulfills their inner artist’s soul. One of the goals of the Gradunauts is to support one another through this time of artistic exploration and self-discovery. Through the help of our professors, the course environments and studio practices each artist works diligently toward the end goal of their thesis projects.
Last year, the Gradunauts established this website to host a virtual exhibition of their artwork. Due to the pandemic, the in-person exhibition was canceled and instead, the Gradunatus adapted to the unprecedented circumstances to create a virtual platform for their artwork. While this year we are having a small in person exhibition at our Power Arts Gallery, in the spirit of tradition, we will continue to use this website and update it yearly to incorporate new artists and exhibit new work.
You can also find updated work on our Instagram: WetheGradunauts