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My artwork embodies spiritual and supernatural moments captured from my visions and dreams. In my work, the viewer is guided through a journey of self-recognition and transformation. Often times we lose sight of the human connection due to limiting self-expression, disconnecting from our emotions and lack of compassion for others. Through the using specific imagery such as nature, other worlds, mysterious figures and myself, I contrast the light and the dark parts of humanity.


In present times, many are disconnected from their emotions due to the many distractions of the world. By communicating various themes such as inner turmoil, transformation, self-recognition, acceptance and self-love; my goal is to remind the audience they can find happiness through transformation. 


Acknowledging the darkest parts of ourselves helps guide us to serenity. My application of the medium expresses energy and emotions felt in each of my experiences. Some are lucid, bright, and saturated with color while others are dark, blurred and distorted, touching upon both the light and dark aspects of life. The contrast between these two polarizing forces materializes, leading the viewer to look within. 


To look within requires you to accept your current reality. By engaging aspects of yourself that you often hide from others, you expose the light within. Each soul has it’s own journey; vulnerable and exposed to universal law. I hope my work would be part of the collective consciousness around self-discovery.


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