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I often use multitude of mediums to tackle different struggles and anxieties, the human figure has become way for me to work out my internal issues around gender and sexuality. In my life, the constructs of masculinity have prevented me being my most authentic self. Watching my mannerisms and the way I speak to not be seen as effeminate, I related these traits too being weak. Our society has constructed the idea to be man we have to be strong and not show our emotions. I felt it was necessary to fit identity to not stick out and be ostracized. Most of my summers are spent working construction and It’s an environment that breeds the worst of alpha male culture. The word faggot is often thrown around, gay jokes are often made. if you’re not straight its easier to pretend that you are and fit the role that was constructed. The figure became a way for me to reflect myself and those conflicts, allowing me to see it from an outside prospective.  I Juxtapose the figure with imagery of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ elements such as construction materials or make up and heels. Juxtaposing these types of items allow me to take hold of the situations that make me feel anxious, Traditional feminine items bring me a feeling of power compared, to the construction materials that bring a sense of insecurity. 

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